As your local, Boca Raton florist, we believe in providing customers with the freshest quality, premium flowers while practicing sustainable floristry. Our designs reflect impeccable craftsmanship, elegance and a uniquely creative touch.

Flowers Collections
Florist Choice
Veronika: The Perfect Floral Arrangement$270.00
25 Roses with butterflies$250.00
Violet Flowers contrast: Arrangement for you$175.00
La Bella roses, orchids and hydrangeas$140.00
Happiness: Flower Arrangements$165.00
Warm My Heart: Flower Arrangement$225.00
Fantasy: Captivating Floral Arrangement$245.00
Elegant Centerpiece Arrangement in Boca Raton, FL
Tropical Centerpieces For Tables$185.00
Happy Holidays! Centerpiece arrangement$275.00
Amazing Centerpiece Arrangement$220.00
Sabrina: flower arrangement$255.00
Bright Centerpiece Arrangement$295.00
Sun Orchids: 10 Double Mini Orchids$185.00
La Bella roses, orchids and hydrangeas$140.00
Elegant Lovey Centerpiece: White Roses and Hydrangeas$200.00
Noel Centerpiece: by Boca Raton florist$130.00
Bright Centerpiece: by Boca Raton florist$185.00
Green Heaven Flower Arrangement: A Stunning Display of Nature’s Elegance$135.00
Elegance in Green: by Boca Raton florist$120.00
Purity Centerpiece: Exquisite White and Green$225.00
Magesty Centerpiece: A Stunning Addition to Any Room$380.00
Holidays: Centerpiece$250.00
Tropical Flowers: Centerpiece$350.00
Fiancee: Centerpiece$400.00
Chichi : Centerpiece$250.00
Oasis: Mini Orchids Arrangement$255.00
Lucky Boat: Luxury White Orchid Arrangement$440.00
Virginia: white flower arrangement$85.00
Ginevra: green and red arrangement$225.00
Orchid Flowers
Ginevra: green and red arrangement$225.00
Anita-Maria: White Flower Arrangements$145.00
Purple Vibe: Orchid Arrangement$125.00
Calla Lilies Arrangements$235.00
Virginia: white flower arrangement$85.00
Elegant White Swan Flower Arrangements$145.00
White arrangements
25 Roses with butterflies
$250.00 Select options -
3 dozens white roses arrangements
$375.00 Select options -
75 roses arrangements
$375.00 Select options -
Abundance of Beauty: Orchids Flower Arrangements
$350.00 Select options -
Assorted Roses: Centerpiece Arrangement
$155.00 Select options -
Brameliad flower arrangement
$175.00 Select options -
Bright Centerpiece: by Boca Raton florist
$185.00 Select options -
Elegant Lovey Centerpiece: White Roses and Hydrangeas
$200.00 Select options
Boca Raton’s Local Florist
You’ll find our pricing to be competitive and flexible in comparison to competing florists located in Boca Raton. We offer unique, award winning floral designs exclusive to East Boca Raton Florist. Our high ratings will attest to our reputation for outstanding quality and customer satisfaction. Our philosophy is simple- Premium Quality Flowers and Dedication to Providing Reliable Service as a Local Boca Raton Florist! To see our most recent flower designs, please view our photo gallery.

Our Services as a Real Local Florist
We offer same-day, Boca Raton flower delivery. Our product selection includes Fresh Flower Arrangements for any occasion, Orchid Plants, Dish Gardens, Fairy Gardens and Gourmet Gift Baskets. You can select from our categories or call us for a customized arrangement that best suits your look and budget. Our services also include Weddings, Special Events and Party floral décor. Our team of talented professionals is at your disposal to assist, inform and counsel you for every floral event of your life. Boca Raton Florist has been a local flower shop in Boca Raton for over 18 years. Rest assured, we’re a real florist, not an “online company”. All of our flower arrangements are 100% Florist designed by experts in the flower trade. The public is always welcome to visit our retail location to purchase their flower arrangement or order one for same-day local delivery. All of our flower arrangements are hand delivered in a vase, so no wilted flowers packed in a box here at Boca Raton Florist! We are the real deal and proud to serve our Boca Raton community. We’ll be more than happy to be your preferred florist. Checkout our customer product reviews on our review page.

Flower Delivery in Boca Raton & Nearby Cities
We’re dedicated to delivering your flower designs as quickly and affordably as possible. Our arrangements are 100% hand designed and hand delivered by a team of dedicated, professional floral delivery drivers. Deliveries are done with the highest level of care and consideration to recipients. Our arrangements are hand delivered, same-day by trusted professionals who are committed to making your flower purchasing experience a positive one. Our delivery areas include Boca Raton, Delray, Deerfield, Highland Beach, Boynton, Pompano Beach, Parkland, Lake Worth, Coral Springs, Margate, Palm Beach, West Palm Beach Ft. Lauderdale and surrounding cities. If you would like to purchase a flower arrangement and pick it up from our local shop in Boca Raton, we would be more than happy to accommodate your request. All flower pick-ups are arranged in a container and packed in a take-out box for your convenience and ease in transporting your beautiful floral design. Curbside pickup is also an option for customers needing additional help with handling their flower arrangement or those who would like a quicker or expedite pickup service.
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